I’m a therapist offering support to individual adults, couples, and groups in California—both virtually and in person.

Click on the topics below to learn more about my approach and offerings.

Andrew Reichart, AMFT

Registered Associate Marriage &
Family Therapist #145771

I can help you find more peace of mind, sense of purpose, and ease in your relationships.

I offer deep and genuine acceptance, giving you a place to safely explore whatever challenges you’re facing in life. I will follow your lead, working with you on whatever topics you want to discuss, offering feedback and guidance along the way. If you’re not sure where to start, we can figure that out together.

Individual and Couples Therapy

I can help you with things like:

  • anxiety / social anxiety

  • dating / romantic relationships / marriage / divorce

  • depression

  • coping with the stress of injustice or world events

  • self-compassion / self-esteem

  • life purpose / making a difference in the world

  • motivation / focus

  • family or friend relationships

  • grief

  • aging

To talk about working together, email me at andrew@psychotherapist.coach
or book a free consultation.

Tabletop Role-Playing Game Therapy

This fun, creative, and inspiring form of therapy works through sustained, collective imagination of empowering experiences.

This approach to group therapy uses role-playing games (such as Dungeons & Dragons) as a medium for growth and healing. Such games are already about envisioning a different life, making them a natural vehicle for personal transformation.

My groups are highly tailored to the specific interests and needs of every participant. Themes are common in group therapy (such as grief, trauma, anger, or other subject matter). In this series of gaming groups, themes may organically arise around common interests, depending on what the participants want to focus on.

We use a simple rules system I’ve designed—easy enough for people who’ve never played, interesting enough for game-lovers, and highly adaptable to fit the tastes of each group.

I’m also a proud contributor to the theory of this growing field, writing academic papers and presenting at conferences. Learn more about this work.

I’d love for you to join a game.


90-minute weekly sessions on Zoom
$25-50 sliding scale
4-6 people per group

These groups are open to anyone in California.

I’ve offered peer support to individuals and groups for over forty years. My group facilitation experience has included role-playing games, business consulting, support groups, martial arts schools, artist collaborations and collectives, and grassroots political organizing. It’s a privilege and delight to be bringing all of this experience into my role as a therapist.

I work with adults of any age and background. Although I’m cis and hetero, I’ve had queer and trans family and friends my whole life, and I’m committed to LGBTQIA+ acceptance to my core. As a longtime participant in the neurodiversity movement, I offer a deeply informed and accepting approach to the neurodivergent people I work with.

I offer sliding scale or pro bono individual and group therapy to grassroots political organizers and ex-incarcerated people. I provide this to the full extent of my capacity (which is limited, but please don’t hesitate to inquire).

I graduated from California Institute for Integral Studies in 2023 with a Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology with a concentration in Community Mental Health. I wrote my thesis on role-playing game group therapy.

I live in California with my wife Joy Reichart, writer and writing coach, and a couple of adorable dogs. Other work and hobbies include writing, editing, publishing, music, activism, and of course role-playing games.

About me

Get in touch

You can also email me at andrew@psychotherapist.coach.

I look forward to hearing from you.